
A network that inspires me to set new goals, and empowers me to know how to achieve them

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At Female Leadership Academy, we are dedicated to developing, educating, and connecting individuals through diverse activities. Beyond our academies, we host open events and engage our community in #FLARuns every Saturday.

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Open events

Our runners say;

I initially joined #FLARuns because I love social runs and meeting new people. But the interview afterwards really struck a chord with me. The topics discussed were so relatable and meaningful. It made me realize how much more impactful in-person interviews and speeches are. I’m really grateful for the experience and now feel even more motivated to attend more events like this.

Stay updated on our events and runs. We look forward to having you join our network and community.

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Female Leadership Academy

The organization behind Female Leadership Academy consists of 40+ former and current students from Copenhagen Business School, Technical University of Denmark – DTU, and the University of Copenhagen. They all work voluntarily in different sections such as finance, product development, external operations and events, partnerships, marketing, internal operations, and ambassadors. 

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If you want to stay updated with news regarding our academy, events, blog posts, new initiatives, and much more, sign up for our newsletter. 

    C 2021, Female Leadership Academy


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